Spectator Mode
Galactic Ratz introduces an engaging Spectator Mode for players who prefer to watch the action and participate through wagering. This feature enhances community involvement and offers additional avenues for interaction within the game.
Key Features:
Live Match Viewing: Spectators can watch live PvP and Team vs. Team battles, experiencing the excitement in real-time.
Wagering System: Spectators have the option to place bets on their favorite players or teams. A secondary betting pool is created, with a portion of the tokens redistributed to successful bettors.
Dynamic Camera Control: The mode offers flexible camera options, allowing spectators to follow specific players or teams and switch perspectives seamlessly during the match.
How It Works:
Accessing Spectator Mode: Players can enter Spectator Mode through the main menu or during ongoing matches.
Placing Wagers: Before or during a match, spectators can place bets using in-game tokens on the outcome of the battle. The wagering system is integrated with smart contracts to ensure transparency and security.
Viewing Options: Spectators can select different viewing angles, follow specific players, or use an overview camera to watch the match unfold.
Post-Match Rewards: After the match concludes, winnings from successful wagers are automatically distributed to spectators based on the outcomes.
Enhanced Engagement: Spectator Mode allows more players to participate in the ecosystem, even if they are not actively competing.
Community Building: By enabling spectators to support and bet on their favorite players or teams, the mode fosters a more connected and interactive community.
Additional Revenue Streams: The wagering system introduces new ways for players to earn rewards, increasing the utility of in-game tokens.
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